Wednesday, October 27, 2010

love u^^..miss u ..

sorry to my readers)
i will less update my blog<..
cus)..i will update another blog for him <3
i vry hang fok now)
my lao gong very sek me^..
i love him,he love me,end of story^^
exam very near ady<..i vry scare)
but got my dear support)
i will gah yao =P
recently keep reading d lu<..
realii vry scare ak<..
i scare cnt same class wif bii..
cnt same class wif yc<..
scare i will drop to bad bad class..
yi< fast exam luh..
than fas fas finish exam)..
than i m free)..
n can go play ady lur^..
xiang tai dor le^..
kao shi nah!..bu ke yi update blog..
kuai dian qu du shu^^..
bai bai =P

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