Monday, October 11, 2010

hen jiu mei y0u update lia0)..
do u all miss me?^^
hmm..las week nea..
is pmr..i hold week din g0 skul><..
hen huai o..lazy pig^..
everyday at home du same thing)
kan xi..ting ge..du shu..sms wif u^..
hmm..hen kuai..
saturday already =D

saturday! 9-10-10!^^
v are going KL..woah~~
hen shuang erh^
many ppl) v are happy)
cus they are friendly^^
liyang,lixiang,suyee..n many)
hm..cant forget them) funny guy
i cant forget the moment wif u^^
1st day v g0 consert)
a nice consert^..
than v g0 sik xiu yea..D
than back hotel d luh^^
hen kai xin ak ^@^
in the hotel..i donknw how to
xing rong wat we play..
duknw xing rong 0ur feeling)
t0o crazy ady..)
hmm..every0ne sit on the bed)
v can feel) v sot ady..hak hak^
1101 my room)1114..sha la0 room^
714...xia0 hai zi room =P
after v g0 714 )..v g0 down walk walk..
hmm until 3++ ..after v all finish eating^..
than v sleep =3
huh^..i ppl..<.
luckly got ur pillow^..
like u pui me sleep jiang..xD
s0 i w0nt vry scare)

10-10-10!!! sunday wer..=D
hmm..early in the morning..
wake up myb 530 barh)
than hmm..happen many funny thing luh^^
laugh sei me..then...
v g0 genting luh^^
whan v sleeping on the bus..
suddenly! bom* @@
every0ne xia da0><
than gt smoke came 0ut..<
yuan lai..tayar pecah lia0..
kexian erh><..cant forget the trip ady)
than the bus walk da0 hen man hen man)
than v stop at mc donald thr^ play luh..
ab0ut 10++ bah<..
v sin start g0 genting..hmm..
than reach genting ady^^ orh^^
play many ) i vry happy^^
vry vry vry vry vry happy^^
happy d0u cnt forget^
luckly gt him puii me play all thingg)
than, no vry scare luh)
jus bu gan kai yan jing..kakas
hmm..bear bear(..i cant bring u back><..
sad sad wer) but huanyih get dophin)
luckly geh him^^hmm..
take many photo wif them)
happen alot i cant forget geh thing><
=D..kai xin yea..muacks!
hmm..than vry late sin back..mybe 7 gua..
than g0 eat mom mom..hmm..
than) v sleep in bas..
hen leng o^^..but hen shu fu)
like da feeling sleep beside u^^
hen kuai<..=(..
12++..v reach kuantan ady(
bu she de u all..sad le luh..
vry tired o..)

than the nex day all of us..
n0 s0 skul lerh)
hold day chat wif u^..
miss u s0 much..hmm..

my holiday finish)
start skul ady^
duknw the feeling h0w leh)
sure vry hot^^..long time n0 c them j0r..
duknw bian cheng zen yang lia0 =P

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