Monday, November 15, 2010

hmm..tat day=)
friday..whan liao a?
erm..12 of november^
go ice station)
hmm..go yamcha wif them=)
yeancheng,peipei,peipei d laogong^^,
munseng,jianfeng,yongying..n ..
mei y0u lia0 gua..<..
yaoshi lur..less jor him)
hapii) hen jiu mei you yi qi he cha lia0^
hmm..than..many thing forget ady^

nex day) saturday)
got study wor^..
friday agn..13 of nov..
v yamcha agn=)
last ady in 2010 =(
v go station one neh)
yaoshi,yeancheng,n janyan =)
old friends<..
ox0 long time din together luh^
hapii nah^^
hmm..miss the feeling yamcha wif u all =(
hope nex year can sam class together nia..

sunday woo^^
14 of nov..
v go ECM =)
watch tong yan,
eat at hideyoshi..
eat at black canyon)
go chongk 2 hour^^ fast=(
jus say v go only mar..
now wan say v back ady TT
bu she de ak<..
vry happy=)
i love to hang out wif u all=)
funny betul^^

go skul<..hapii mar?
ok lur) funny<
but sad(..
cus the 2nd las day v study in
efternoon ler=(
realii bu she de<..
can i cry? no..
i will jus hope v can same class=)
izit left someone?
i think left many ppl<..
friends forever)
i will miss u all d)

bu xiang jiang xia qu le<
yue lai yue bu she de ni men<..
hao bah^..jiu jiang)
muacks) luv my laogong)
miss him^..
still rmb las year i vry happi)
tis year same too^..
mybe nian wei)
o hui bi jiao luckly =D
tata^^..miss u ) miss me ) miss us^^

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