Sunday, November 21, 2010

wan to go back)
16 of nov)
las day for our form 2 life)
enjoy wif,yeancheng,khahuan,
yaoshi,yongying,liangjye n many nah^
vry hapii^^..i will miss u all )

than wednesday)
go lin ming neh^
go wif my lao gong)
hmm..vry hapii luh^
v ....(secret)
hm) love u o^
hold day cold cold)
cus raining^
shuang wer :)
than night^ luckly..
can meet dear agn,xP
me ,dear n waikit)
v go KP..walk walk luh^
about 10pm jiu back ler)

the nex day<..
thursday..hao xiang hold day boring)
than friday< go fo tang meeting)
long time no c fo guang qing nian^
still vry funny n nice)
hmm..meeting luh<
many thing du neh,
but nt yt nid to du^
ai wo qing nian^
waiting for u..=P
than..back home luh)
miss dear nah)

than saturday^20 of nov
yay) lao gong cum my house =)
v watch movie luh) than..
lik tat luh^ hapii luh)
about 7++ bacj luh^
than about 8++
wow..v meet agn^
v go peichai luh)
me,dear n yongying walk walk thr)
than)hmm..than wif dear luh^
than v ...(secret) xixi ~P
about 12+ back nuh)
than sleep luh^
hapii lluh) hold day wif dear =P
hmm..the nex day)

21 of nov..
it was a sunny day)
sunday nah^
v go fo tang meeting)
yaoshi go too^
than meeting until 12++
hmm) waiting the camp^^
than yaoshi n khahuan^^
cum my house)
xixi,hapii noh^
but yaoshi 3++ back ady(
nvm^ dear nt yt back~yay =P
than v ...(secret)
i love u^
u love me)
than 5++ dear back ler(
sad luh^

than today..boring noh^
still ok na)
cus i gt new comp)
can find many thing to play..xD
tis few day vry busy(..
but okay nah^
hmm..ntg say) jiu jiang nah ) bai bai..
tis is for my friends c geh^
not u nah) ben dan lao gong..=X

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