Saturday, November 6, 2010

xi^^..yesterday hor^
whan 5 of november^
hapii lur)
cus i miss dear ,dear mis me)
finally v can meet lu^^
wan thanks my "dady" waikit^
he fecth us 0ut gea)
v g0 mega^^
walk walk lur..
than v g0 watch the
[rise of the mummy]=D
nice mar^^
1st time watch movie wif dear^
but vry unluckly)
the cinema vry hot^
v walk walk lur..
go capcon lur)
saw dou decheng n adam<..
hmm..than..boring lur<..
vry fast wan back le(
bu she de lao gong nah^
aihx...that all luh...

today geh cindy vry mou yong(
no study at all<..
2mrw wan go lin ming tim..than
exam le<..die jiu die nah<..

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